Chalkboard Wall Decor Plans

Chalkboard wall decor can be used many different ways, it would be perfect for your child’s room or for can be used in the kitchen as a note section.

Chalkboard Wall Decor


Items Needed



  1. Measure and tape the area you wish to paint.
  2. You will need primer the selected area first. This preps the area for the chalkboard paint.
  3. Apply the chalkboard paint next. You will need to layer it with 3-4 coats.

Note: Test it out and enjoy!


My Expierence with this DIY

A few months ago I decided I would like to paint a wall with blackboard paint. Mainly I just wanted to paint a small area so I picked the side of my food pantry in my kitchen. I did not want to make my kitchen to dark, so I took a tape measure and measured off the center off the wall.

So I measured and taped off my section with painters tape. Then painted with a primer first. This prepares the wall for the chalkboard paint. When it was good and dry I applied my first coat of chalkboard paint. Shake the can well first. I had bought a quart from our local craft store. They also sell it at Walmart and most paint stores.

I used a roller to apply the paint. This is faster and gives great coverage. When using chalkboard paint you need to layer it. Apply 3 to 4 coats. Allowing each layer to dry well. I used about half of the can. With the leftover paint I can do more projects. I love using chalkboard paint. It looks neat and serves a purpose. One being writing my grocery list.

After a day of drying, the next day I pre-chalked the wall. This conditions the wall for future chalking. Take your chalk stick and gently rub chalk all over the wall, just remember that if you push too hard you can scratch through the paint. I always remind my family that this wall was hand painted so be gentle. Then take a chalkboard eraser and erase all the chalk. Now your wall has been prepped and should be ready to enjoy.


Final Word: Chalkboard Wall Decor

Remember that all walls and brands of chalkboard paint are a little different. So you may not want the press too hard when writing on the wall. A gentle hand works well.

We love our chalkboard wall and use it often. Great for kids to be entertained. Also for my silly messages I leave my family.