4 Easy Homemade Hand Scrub Recipes

Want to save money by making your own homemade hand scrub recipes? Are paying for manicures and pedicures getting too costly? Well how about doing some of the treatments yourself. Like the hand scrubs. You know how wonderful your hands and feet feel after a good mani-pedi. Your skin feels so soft and youthful.

Homemade Hand Scrub

Hand scrubs are used to slough off dead skin cells. If you have dry skin then you will definitely benefit from hand scrubs. They soften the skin and help to make your hands look healthy. Hands can actually show early signs of aging.

Most people spend too much time and money on keeping their face looking ageless that they often forget about their hands. These scrubs can also be used for your pedicures too.

For all of our skin remedies it would be wise to mix all of the ingredients together in a bowl. Gently rub the hand scrub on your hands. Working mostly on the backs of your hands. Use gentle massage movements for about 3 minutes.


Lemon Sugar Scrub


    1/4 Cup Brown sugar (can use white sugar)

    1 1/4 TSP. Olive oil (add a little more to make a good consistency if needed)

    1 TSP. Lemon juice

You can also let the hand scrub sit on your hands for a few more minutes to moisturize. Then rinse off well with warm water. The olive oil is a great moisturizer. The lemon juice can slightly lighten age spots and is refreshing too. The brown sugar is what makes the scrub exfoliate the dry skin.


Sea Salt Scrub


Much similar to the lemon sugar scrub.

    1/4 Cup Sea Salt

    1 1/4 TSP. Olive oil (add a little more to make a good consistency if needed)

    1 TSP. Lemon juice


Scented Scrub


Similar to the Lemon Scrub just replace the lemon with a few drops of your favorite Essential Oil.

    1/4 Cup Brown sugar (can use white sugar)

    1 1/4TSP. Olive oil (add a little more to make a good consistency if needed)

    Few Drops of your favorite Essential Oil


Dawn Hand Scrub


This is a very simple hand scrub, just mix a little Dawn with Olay Hand Renew and add a little sugar. Very similar to Kay’s Satin Hands.


Final Word: Homemade Hand Scrub Recipes

As shown, these homemade hand scrub recipes are not complicated to make, nor would they be costly. I’ve found that you can often find better homemade solutions for many of your skincare needs.

Quite frequently you see higher costs for many cosmetic products and finding money to spend on them can be even more frustrating. There is nothing more frugal than finding ways to save money without compromising quality.